Generate Key
returned would be show unencrypted the first time you generate it, ensure you show it to your user because it won’t be show to you again.
your workspace API key
API ID from your dashboard
A name you would like to assign to the key
A string that would be prefixed to you key (prefix_keyxxxx)
how long you want you key to be, minimum of 16
16 <= x <= 255
a object for you to pass values that would be meaningful to you
{ "user_id": "123456" }
a unix time stamp in the future of when you want the key to expire
maximum verification allowed for this key
The ID of the API the key belongs to
The name assigned to the key
The prefix assigned to the key
The length assigned to the key
16 <= x <= 255
extra details you passed via the meta attribute
{ "user_id": "123456" }
Unix timestamp of when the key expires, returns null
when not set
maximum verification allowed for this key, returns null
when not set